27 Jun 2024
DATE 27 Jun 2024 |
Time 9am - 5pm |
LOCATION: Holiday Inn Singapore |
Normal (from 8 Jun 2024) |
Early Bird (by 7 Jun 2024) |
Group of 3 < (by 7 Jun 2024) |
S$837.90 |
S$766.50 |
S$698.25 |
The saying “Different strokes for different folks” is highly relevant in interpersonal communication. People come from different background, and their response to the same message could range from taking immediate action to being indifferent. In order to connect with different people at a deeper level, you need to express yourself by choosing words that would resonate with different groups of people.
This is where knowledge of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) becomes important. It can help you segment your audience and use appropriate words to elicit desired responses. NLP is a useful communication tool for persuasive communication.
Applying NLP to your writing gives you the added power to influence and motivate your readers to agree with you. Whether you’re selling a proposal or service, justifying a budget increase, arguing for more staff or supporting your position over others, your writing is more influential when you know how to address your readers’ logical and emotional needs and interests.
Most persuasive writing courses only teach the art of persuasion through logical motivation. What makes our New Language for Persuasive Writing workshop unique is our ability to integrate logical motivation with powerful psychological tools available in NLP.
This program is designed to benefit professionals, manager, executives and officers who use written correspondence to persuade others to support their ideas, procedures, projects, proposals, etc..
This workshop embraces and bridges communication dialectic. You will acquire new tools and skills in the craft of persuasive writing. Effective writing is about interaction and engagement, and you’ll look at how to design and incorporate these into your messages.