14 Oct - 15 Oct 2024
DATE 14 Oct - 15 Oct 2024 |
Time 9am - 5pm |
LOCATION: Holiday Inn Singapore |
Normal (from 24 Sep 2024) |
Early Bird (by 23 Sep 2024) |
Group of 3 < (by 23 Sep 2024) |
S$1,675.80 |
S$1,533.00 |
S$1,396.50 |
The courtroom can be intimidating for witnesses and investigators, with poor performances potentially undermining credibility and cross-examination presenting difficult challenges. Our witness testifying and surviving cross-examination courses address these issues by providing participants with the skills and confidence to testify effectively. They learn how to prepare for testimony, present themselves confidently, and handle cross-examination with professionalism.
Overall, this course equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to feel more confident and prepared when testifying in court. In this 2-days experiential course, you will develop your skills to excel as a witness and learn what to expect in cross-examination, recognize strategies of attack and techniques to counter them.
CSI Series 2 is part of CSI Series* program which consist of:
You can sign up for the above courses individually by clicking on the link. However, it is highly recommended to attend both days for a more comprehensive skill set.
*CSI Series is an in-depth training series comprising of 6 essential investigator’s skills. Designed by a defence counsel and senior police officer (NSman), this series of workshops offer insights into defence's strategies to sharpen your investigation skills.
This workshop is for anyone who need to testify in a courtroom, which include:
A mock trial and demonstration on how to respond to an ad hominem attack will be held at the end of the class that will allow you to put in practice what you have learnt.